CONCORD, NH – Senate Majority Leader Sharon Carson (R-Londonderry), released the following statement today on the Senate voting against SB 461, relative to repealing a construction provision of the fetal life protection act: “New Hampshire’s current law prevents abortions in the 7th, 8th, and 9th month of pregnancy and nearly 80% of Granite Staters approve […]
CONCORD, NH –Senate Majority Leader Sharon Carson (R-Londonderry) issued the following statement today on the Senate passing SB 532-FN, requiring all municipalities and school governing bodies to post on their official town or school website within 30 days the amount of funds received by the state either by allocation or grant: “Granite Staters should know […] 10:00:192024-08-02 19:05:59Senate Votes for More Transparency for Local Taxpayers
CONCORD, NH – Senator Sharon Carson (R-Londonderry), issued the following statement today on the Senate passing SB 460-FN, establishing the crime of and penalties for unlawful use of unmanned aircraft systems: “New Hampshire’s current law lacks the appropriate measures to prevent and penalize malicious intent for using unmanned aircraft and drones. This bill ensures that […] 10:00:332024-08-02 18:37:16Senate Protects Granite Staters from the Unlawful Use of Drones
CONCORD, NH – Senator Sharon Carson (R-Londonderry), issued the following statement today on the Senate passing SB 485-FN, relative to allowing digitally verifiable licenses, certificates, or permits to prove occupational experience or training for military spouses and veterans: “Military families moving to and from New Hampshire have difficulty working due to roadblocks required by physical […] 10:00:312024-08-02 19:04:18Senate Eases License Burdens for Military Families
CONCORD, NH –Senate Majority Leader Sharon Carson (R-Londonderry) issued the following statement today on the Senate passing SB 506-FN, relative to aligning statutes with the age of a delinquent established under the juvenile delinquency statute: “Our children should not be subject to laws geared towards adults. This bill works to correct the current statute to […]
Senate Protects Fetal Life Protection Act
/in HealthcareCONCORD, NH – Senate Majority Leader Sharon Carson (R-Londonderry), released the following statement today on the Senate voting against SB 461, relative to repealing a construction provision of the fetal life protection act: “New Hampshire’s current law prevents abortions in the 7th, 8th, and 9th month of pregnancy and nearly 80% of Granite Staters approve […]
Senate Votes for More Transparency for Local Taxpayers
/in CommunityCONCORD, NH –Senate Majority Leader Sharon Carson (R-Londonderry) issued the following statement today on the Senate passing SB 532-FN, requiring all municipalities and school governing bodies to post on their official town or school website within 30 days the amount of funds received by the state either by allocation or grant: “Granite Staters should know […]
Senate Protects Granite Staters from the Unlawful Use of Drones
/in CrimeCONCORD, NH – Senator Sharon Carson (R-Londonderry), issued the following statement today on the Senate passing SB 460-FN, establishing the crime of and penalties for unlawful use of unmanned aircraft systems: “New Hampshire’s current law lacks the appropriate measures to prevent and penalize malicious intent for using unmanned aircraft and drones. This bill ensures that […]
Senate Eases License Burdens for Military Families
/in CommunityCONCORD, NH – Senator Sharon Carson (R-Londonderry), issued the following statement today on the Senate passing SB 485-FN, relative to allowing digitally verifiable licenses, certificates, or permits to prove occupational experience or training for military spouses and veterans: “Military families moving to and from New Hampshire have difficulty working due to roadblocks required by physical […]
Senate Clarifies Term Juvenile Delinquent
/in YouthCONCORD, NH –Senate Majority Leader Sharon Carson (R-Londonderry) issued the following statement today on the Senate passing SB 506-FN, relative to aligning statutes with the age of a delinquent established under the juvenile delinquency statute: “Our children should not be subject to laws geared towards adults. This bill works to correct the current statute to […]