Senate Republicans Oppose Measures Against Unconstitutional Gun Overreach

CONCORD, NH – Senate Majority Leader Sharon Carson (R-Londonderry) and Senator Daryl Abbas (R-Salem), issued the following joint statement today on passing SB 322 and rejecting SB 360, SB 577-FN, and SB 571-FN: “New Hampshire is the safest state in the nation because we have responsible gun owners. These unconstitutional bills infringe on the rights […]

Getting the job done for NH families

By Sens. Jeb Bradley and Sharon Carson It’s hard not to get cynical about our national politics these days. But here in New Hampshire, Senate Republicans have led the way to get things done for New Hampshire working families. We are proud of what we’ve done this year to keep New Hampshire the best place […]

NH finally protects the unborn in the last months of pregnancy

By Sens. Regina Birdsell and Sharon Carson At long last, New Hampshire has joined the ranks of 43 states that limit the practice of late-term abortion. For too long, we were among a small group of states that provided no protection for unborn children until the moment of birth. The recently-passed budget bill includes the […]

Senate Passes Bail Reform

CONCORD, NH – Senate President Jeb Bradley, (R-Wolfeboro), Majority Leader Sharon Carson (R-Londonderry), and Senate Minority Leader Donna Soucy (D-Manchester) released the following joint statement today on the Committee of Conference report for HB 318-FN, relative to bail commissioners, the standards applicable to and the administration of bail, and making an appropriation: “Revamping our bail […]

Senate Protects Youth in the Custody of the State

CONCORD, NH – Senator Sharon Carson (R-Londonderry) and Senator Becky Whitley (D-Hopkinton), released the following statement today on the Committee of Conference report for SB 417-FN and HB 1573, relative to out-of-home placement for children: “Children are often unable to advocate for themselves, which is why it is up to legislators to be their voice. […]