Senate Passes Bail Reform
CONCORD, NH – Senate President Jeb Bradley, (R-Wolfeboro), Majority Leader Sharon Carson (R-Londonderry), and Senate Minority Leader Donna Soucy (D-Manchester) released the following joint statement today on the Committee of Conference report for HB 318-FN, relative to bail commissioners, the standards applicable to and the administration of bail, and making an appropriation:
“Revamping our bail system has taken years of debating the best way to fix this broken system. This bill now presents a solution by combining the House and Senate positions. The changes in this bill will not only increase public safety, but will also benefit bail commissioners,” said Senator President Jeb Bradley. Safety
“We want to ensure our bail commissioners are sufficiently compensated and are properly trained to fulfill their role. This bill changes our law so that no one is denied bail if they cannot afford it. However, defendants accused of violent crimes will go in front of a judge to determine if they are a threat to the public,” added Senate Majority Leader Sharon Carson.
“This agreement from the House and Senate brings a comprehensive solution to a complex problem. This new approach will play a critical role in ensuring the safety of our state,” concluded Senate Minority Leader Donna Soucy.